T & L Pierogie was started by the Lonczynski family in 1994, using time-honored family recipes. In 1994, Theresa Lonczynski and sister, Linda, were making pierogies for there families’ Lenten diner. Thomas Lonczynski was currently working with his father in a family owned meat processing plant and introduced the homemade pierogies through there customer base in the Hazleton, PA area.
At this time Theresa and Linda would produce 50 to 100 dozen pierogies in there home for local restaurants and caterers. In 1996, they moved production into the family meat processing plant and started growing the business from there. Prompted by a great customer response with a wide acceptance of product, Thomas moved the operation into its own facility in September 2005, the current location of 127 West Chestnut Street Hazleton, PA. By January 2006, T&L was well on there way taking every opportunity to serve grocers, retailers, and wholesalers in north-eastern PA.
Currently, we are proud to serve businesses from Pennsylvania to the mid-Atlantic region and as far south as the Carolinas. We are continuing to develop ethnic products from generations of recipes handed down from our Polish and Italian ancestors. These recipes came when my father, John Lonczynski, married my mother, an Italian by the name Mary Alessio. Theresa’s grandparents, Pete and Pauline Damico, handed down recipes that contribute to our products. From these recipes, we are proudly producing thousands of pounds of product daily.